Don't Ask Me I Am Only A Pastor

Share my plight as an Evangelical Liberal trying to make sense of this world

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Location: San Bernardino, California, United States

I am a pastor... ok an associate pastor. I live in what was rated as the worst city to live in. I am hoping to do my part in helping to change this city.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

XBox360... Baby...Priorities

How do you spend money given to you for various occasions? Do you buy stuff you "need" like books and clothes (both of which I have plenty of, including those I do not use) or do I purchase something fun. Well if your like me, you take the money set aside for fun stuff and buy things you need and spends the money you intended for needs and spend it on an Xbox360! Well the long and short is that the Xbox 360 is cool, sweet, awesome, and grand! The graphics are amazing and the entire set up is cool. Plus, the DVD player that it is equipped with is better than my current one. All in all, it is amazing what you can own if you don't have a car payment! Drive a crappy KIA and you too can have an XBox 360. What a real car? Then no XBox for you.
In more important matters, I was busy this week as I have to rewrite a curriculum for discipleship in my church. The current material that we are based on is extremely charismatic. Since I don't speak in tongues it is better if I rewrite something for the masses than to read something and then make numerous disclaimers. Needless to say I am swamped. I also felt my baby kick for the first time which was kind of gross for I don't want to imagine that my wife is carrying a form of alien life in her belly area as it feeds off her blood. But it was still kind of cool.
Finally I saw Les Mis on Tuesday and it was a great performance! I love that musical. It is filled with grace on many levels. The best part about this theme is that the grace is not cheap as it often comes with a price of someone suffering or dying in another's place. A real good show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you finally wore me down enough to let you get the XBox 360. I blame it on the baby though, I seem to be loosing my common sense!!

8:33 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Hey my car is offended by the crack about Kias. My Hyundai Accent is an obvious relative and does not like being referred to as crap!

on another note, writing curriculum is tough. If I can help let me know.

8:12 AM  

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