I Must Be the Least Patriotic Person in America
So today is the 5 year anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It is also the first Monday Night Football game of the season. In fact the anniversary happens to fall on a day that I can watch two football games as well as wrestling. So I spent all day focusing on football, like a good American and did not see jack squat on 9/11 stuff. I have no desire to support a government in which they rehash a horrible event every year in order to distract the public from the fact that we are paying too much for gas or that there are millions without health care and our children have a sub-standard education. But at least homosexuals can't marry and potential life saving stem cell research is banned. What? All of those laws were already in effect during the Clinton administration? Mr. Bush has not introduced any meaningful changes to our country besides a culture of fear and Gestapo tactics. And I thought I was a bad American. Well, I did refuse to buy popcorn from the Boy Scouts. Until the American people open their eyes and see what is going on, I will continue to fly the Tongan flag (at half mast since the death of their beloved king this past week).