Don't Ask Me I Am Only A Pastor

Share my plight as an Evangelical Liberal trying to make sense of this world

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Location: San Bernardino, California, United States

I am a pastor... ok an associate pastor. I live in what was rated as the worst city to live in. I am hoping to do my part in helping to change this city.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things I Contemplate While Hacking Up a Lung

  • I have never seen an episode of American Idol
  • I finally played my XBox360 for the first time since Thanksgiving
  • Disney Land is truly the place to find sluts
  • Seeing an embarrassing dad with a video camera is funny, seeing a black man do it is freaking hilarious. Proving once again that black people are genetically funnier than white people
  • It is 1,000 times easier to find crack than it is a Nintendo Wii
  • Dietrich weighs 15lbs 13 ozs and yet he is a very little guy... like me
  • Growing a beard does not make you look younger
  • Would Christianity have made it so far if Jesus rocked a Fumanchu?
  • My son only cries when he leaves daycare
  • Fillet Mignon and Lobster is a good Birthday dinner... especially when it was free!
  • Thanks to Sarah, I just bought a two pack of Old Spice deodorant
  • Chicago in June looks like a reality
  • I am glad the president mentioned to human suffering in the Sudan as well as my adoptive country of Burma. Too bad he ain't gonna do crap about it!
  • Senator Webb is a classy man
  • Stay Classy Everyone

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Twenty-Seven is the New Twenty-Six

Today I turn 27 years old. Although birthdays are pretty cool, this one is beginning to feel like the one last year. In other words, 27 is a crappy age due to the fact that its only significance is that you are almost 30. I don't even know what I want for a present? Lets have a run down of all possible gift ideas.

  • After Shave - The true gift of fatherdom. Nothing says I love you like the gift of Old Spice. Personally I love the commercial where the dad buys his kids cell phones and all he gets is after shave, "Dad got hosed!"

  • Hair Dye - Ahh the gift of youth as the gray hairs begin to bask in the sunlight for all to see. The sad thing is that I have actually contemplated this several times in the last year. I have decided that I will just wear a hat. Now the beard and sideburns brush in gel might be something I am interested in.

  • Sansabelt Pants - We all gain a few pounds as we grow older and let's face it, the belt is a young mans game. Besides all I have to do is tuck in a t-shirt, or for those fancy occasions ... a polo, and I am ready to go. Also works with shorts but my birthday is a winter affair so I will stick with the pants

  • Birthday Cake - Some of you know that cake is not one of my favorite deserts. Normally I do not get a birthday cake due to this fact. however I think that for the good ol' 27 that it would be fitting to perhaps have a little bit of cake as a way of expressing all of the good things I have in life. Now if I could only get my wife to pop out of one!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Late Night Snack

It's late, but here are some random thoughts on my mind.

  • Children are our future... yet they need the guidance of the past to lead them.
  • Buying things on iTunes is way too easy.
  • I would rather have gas for a year than a war in Iraq.
  • The real news shows on Fox News are funnier than the fake news shows on Comedy Central... mainly because they are not trying to be funny.
  • I find it odd when people get mad at the Pope's obvious belief that Christianity is the best religion.
  • I have to remind myself that seeing my shirt on the floor everyday is not deja vu... it is a case of "I am lazy."
  • I desire to travel to Chicago sometime in June... Hint, Hint.
  • Disneyland is the "Happiest Place on Earth" due to the fact that most women dress like sluts when they go there. Yeah Sluts!
  • Snow Flurries sound worse than they actually are (by the way it snowed in the Inland Empire this morning. Seriously, I drove to work in a mini blizzard! Nothing lasted but I have lived here most of my life and it has only snowed once before and that was when we lived in the foothills. Think of it as Los Angeles having snow).

That is all for now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What the Heck!?!

I post for the first time in three months and only my wife replies? Obviously none of you consider me the prophet that I know that I am. I hope (for your sakes) that God does not reveal to me some natural disaster for all of you would be swallowed up into a giant something or another.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

About Time

I know, I know, I have not blogged since October. I could lie and say I was too busy or that I was out saving the free world. The truth be told, I have no idea why I have not blogged. In fact, I have no idea why I have not done much of anything of value in about 3 months. Well, I think that I have some ideas. Personally, I have had problems with depression most of my life. I had my first nervous break down when I was 8 years old. The second one occurred when I was 14. I spent a year in counseling which helped. I believe that most of my issues stem around the need to be accepted. This need stems from the abandonment I feel from my father who has no desire to have a relationship with me. Personally I have always felt that my faith in God has helped me in establishing some sort of control because I am comforted by the fact that God always loves me.
However, since my son has been born, I have been overcome with the need for my son to love me and accept me. Do to some strange mystery of medicine, my son has no way to communicate his true feelings. Mix this with the mind numbing need that people desire to explain away any form of communication my son has with symptoms of gas or the every enlightening "speaking with the angels." Pretty much I feel like I am as useful to my son as the proverbial "tits on a bull." Of course if I had those then I could feed him without a bottle and think that I was needed. Can a man have postpartum depression? Combine this with the horrific accident of my brother in law over Thanksgiving and I think I had another breakdown (Thank God my brother-in-law is home and is on the road to recovery). I think it was hard to pin point this breakdown since I did not lose it all at once but looking back at the last few months I have been moody, and my temper has been off the hook. I know that I have been a huge jerk to my wife. The truth is I have tried to blog about this half a dozen times and every time I deleted the post before publishing. For the first time in a while I actually feel convicted to blog.
So why this revelation? This last week a couple in my church have been going through hell. They almost lost their newborn grand daughter while their daughter-in-law is currently holding on for her life. Yesterday she woke up from a comma that doctors thought would never happen. The baby is doing fine and should be home next week. While the mother is not out of the woods yet, it appears that God is working for her benefit. All of this has put things in perspective in a weird way. The big picture of life is just that... a big freaking picture. The world actually moves on with or without me. I have to hold on that my son will love me because of the love I have for him and for others and not the things I can or cannot do. I cannot heal this mother nor can I heal my brother-in-law. I cannot even heal myself of my psychological issues. However, I can yield to that fact and depend upon God. Does that mean that all evil ceases? By no means! But, I believe that I do not have to fall into the trap of asking God why bad things happen to good people. Instead the question turns to "Why the hell does anything good happen at all?" The answer, to me, has to be God. Does that make me naive? I do not think so. Does it make me dependent upon faith instead of empirical reasoning? Absolutely. That is my responsibility as a pastor. I am called to see grace in a world of sin. I do not have the luxury nor the time to question God; instead, I simply beg for His interaction. So this last week has been interesting. I have told God off a few times (fortunately He seems to have taken it like a man... er, perhaps more like an all powerful deity) and it seems that God and I have come to an agreement: I beg and then I wait. I plead and then I hope. Sure it sucks at times but when I answer the phone and hear how someone thought dead is still alive, it brings joy that cannot be dampened. Perhaps that is why God acts. Perhaps we are so weak in faith that we need reminders of the power that He has. Therefore we place God in a cosmic game to constantly prove Himself to us because we are too afraid to trust what we believe in our souls.