Don't Ask Me I Am Only A Pastor

Share my plight as an Evangelical Liberal trying to make sense of this world

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Location: San Bernardino, California, United States

I am a pastor... ok an associate pastor. I live in what was rated as the worst city to live in. I am hoping to do my part in helping to change this city.

Monday, August 22, 2005

I'm Back!

OK, OK, That was a long hiatus from the good ol' blog. This last month has been filled with challenge after challenge. We had a person die, a heated board meeting, problems with our solar energy system, apparent theft, and the pastor is on vacation... Again. Plus my wife started Med School, my Animal Crossing town reached perfect status... For two days, and updated my church into the 20th century by instituting a video projector and Power Point for announcements and songs. We were still using overhead transparencies!
So I promise to make a few changes around here. First I promise to blog at least twice a week if I can. Second I promise to unpack my X-Box. It has been two months now! Third that I will try to bring up some interesting, real life stuff that could actually educate or being up lively debate. For example I have been dealing with the following question: "Do the saints in heaven have the ability to see into the world since the Bible concludes that Heaven will be a place of no sorrow?" Remember the following questioned is asked in an Evangelical/non-Catholic worldview. What do I think? Personally I don't think that when we die we immediately enter Heaven for the Kingdom of God is not yet here. I believe in a resurrection of the dead and if there are Saints in the already/not yet Kingdom then Hell YA they can see us. Of course there is no sorrow because they are probably laughing their a$$ off at the stupid things we do and say about Christianity. Hey don't ask me I am only a pastor!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

My Wife the Doctor... in Training

Here is my pretty wife. I am so proud of her! I hope that she does not kill anyone her first two weeks. Maybe I should buy her the ER video game to give her some experience? However, that could be too advanced for her so I think that I will buy her Operation instead. I know that I will be hearing that buzzing noise for a while but better her than in the hospital.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Too Busy?

We all know that life has its ups and downs. The life of a Pastor and a gamer are no different. The last few weeks have been filled with following up on first time visitors and praying for the needs of the church. To be perfectly honest I have been struggling to find the energy I need to be effective at my calling. Currently I am working six days a week plus trying to be a good husband to my wife and a good uncle to my niece and nephew. Alas I am tired and therefore have not the strength to blog or write witty humor. My next blog will be better but I needed to blog this for the sake of staying into blogging.
PS I still do not understand how the word "blog" is not included in the spell check.